Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Capacitor Charging/Discharging

Purpose: To observe the properties of a capacitors in their charging and discharging states.

We have 2 different circuit models for the charging and discharging with Thevenin equivalent as shown:

We want to design build and test a circuit that does the following:

  • utilizes a 9V power
  • Employs a charging interval of 20s with a stored energy of 2.5mJ
  • discharges the 2.5mJ in 2s
   To fulfill these requirements we have the following for charging resistance and capacitance:
       The peak discharge current and discharge and resistance were then calculated.
     The actual charge and discharge resistances used are as follows along with the voltage source.

      The circuit was then built. For capacitance we used 3 capacitors is parallel and hooked up logger pro voltage sensors.

     The   Charging and discharging was recorded on logger pro.


The charging curve:

     The capacitor charges up to about 8.5V. The reasons for it not charging all the way are a leak resistance which is inherent to every capacitor. The main reason for the biggest loss is that logger pro capped it off around this voltage.

The discharging curve:

     The capacitor doesn't completely discharge in 2 seconds but it is extreemely close.

     The charging and discharging of capacitors is exponential and the time to make them discharge and charge can be easily controlled by changing the value of the resistance and/or capacitors.

Practical Question:

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