Friday, March 22, 2013

Introduction to Biasing

Purpose: To light two LED lights with a 9V battery without burning them out. We will use biasing, establishing the correct voltage across and current through a component so it functions properly.


  • Using a bench-top power supply as our 9V
  • LED1: 5V and 22.75 mA
  • LED2: 2V and 20 MA
Using V=IR we find the values of the resistance in the LEDs:
  • LED1: 219.78 Ohms
  • LED2: 100.0 Ohms

In order to find R1 and R2 required we use the concept that parallel branches have the same voltage. To find the power we use the power equation from the previous blog. (Values shown later)

We choose the available resistors closest to the calculated value. and set up the following circuit:

The currents and voltages were measured in 3 loops
  1. all components active
  2. LED 1 active
  3. LED 2 active


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